Text Simplifier modifies a text with respect to customer defined structural and lexical transformations. It allows to translate complex grammatical structures into simpler ones and to adapt vocabulary in various ways.
The transformations help to better understand foreign-language texts, to prepare texts for Machine Translation in order to obtain more reliable results and to train statistical MT respectively, to ease human translation and to support text production and translation in many other respects.
Lingenio defines the structures to be simplified and the corresponding results on the basis of the customer needs.
You may simplify a text along the lines of different perspectives:
Syntactic Simplification
Transformation: S(NP,C (VP1, VP2)) ⇒ S(NP, VP1), S(NP, VP2)
The coordination of the VP of the sentence is ‘raised’ so that for each VP member of the coordination an own sentence is created:
The office answers the questions and manages the research projects.
The office answers the questions. The office manages the research projects.
Transformation: S(C(NP, NP), VP) ⇒ S(NP1, VP), S(NP2, VP)
The office and the lecturers answer the questions.
The office answers the questions. The lecturer answers the questions
Transformation: S(NP, VP(V, C(NP1, NP2))) -> S(NP, VP(V, NP1)), S(NP, VP(V, NP1))
The office answers the questions of the students and the emails of the applicants.
The office answers the questions of the students. The office answers the emails of the applicants.
Resolution of Ellipsis
The office answers the questions and the lecturers too.
The office answers the questions and the lecturers answer the questions.
Extraction of Relative Clauses
The office, which is open from 5 to 7, answers questions.
The office is open from 5 to 7. The office answers questions.
Mixed Phenomena
Of course, phenomena considered may be mixed:
The office, which is open from 5 to 7, answers questions and manages projects and the lecturers do too.
The office is open from 5 to 7. The office answers questions. The office manages projects. The lecturers answer questions. The lecturers manage projects.
N.B. TM Multiplier and Text Simplifier may be combined!
Simplification by Omission of Elements
Omission as simplification means skipping appositions, relative clauses, attributive adjectives etc.:
This article presents the fundamental principles of the total balance sheet approach and the implications of Solvency II for a property-casualty insurer.
This article presents the principles and the implications for a property-casualty insurer.
Resolution of Nested Structures and Omission of Elements
Combine Simplification and Omission
This article presents the fundamental principles of the total balance sheet approach and the implications of Solvency II for a property-casualty insurer.
This article presents the principles. This article presents the implications for a property-casualty insurer.
Lexical Simplification
A prerequisite is to define simplification rules of type:
Word or Multiword Expression (+ Context ) ⇒ Simple Word
The service found a magnetodiode.
The service found a machine part.
Please contact us for further information, prices and individual advice by sending us an e-mail.